Download Sociology Problem for SMA

>> Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Problems Sociology School Exams made ​​about 50 (fifty) questions and valid only for Exams SMA / MA Program IPS. Sociology is actually relatively easy matter because it can be mastered by memorizing but at UN SMA / MA in 2010 A number of high school students majoring in social studies Tanahbumbu District send a short message or SMS to the head of the local education office. They complained about the national exam the first day of a difficult work, namely on the subject of Sociology.

Sociology Problem For SMA Class 12

The development of sociology was born out of two revolutions: the French Revolution of 1789, and the Industrial revolution. Both of these events destroyed all previous social norms and created a new social organization: the modern industrial society. In particular, the French Revolution destroyed not only the political and social foundations of France, but almost every country in Europe and the North Americas. Ideas of liberty and equality were put into practice, setting the stage for a completely new social and political order. A new class of people, emboldened by what happened in France, appeared on the political stages of Europe and North America and were not afraid to fight for their rights as citizens and human beings.

Sociology is a science. Sociologists don't use beakers and test tubes, but like natural scientists, they do seek to learn about the world by creating theories and testing them with systematic observations.
What makes sociology both so interesting and so challenging is its subject: the social world. Society is huge, and hugely complex: there are answers to sociological questions, but there usually aren't any easy answers. In addition to the challenge of answering sociological questions, there's the challenge of asking them - that is, of thinking about society as a subject of objective, scientific study. Your grandpa and your minister and the guy who works at your local coffee shop probably don't have any opinions about how atoms should and shouldn't bond with one another, but they certainly all have opinions about how society should be organized. Studying society scientifically means setting aside - temporarily - your thoughts about how society should work.
The achievements of sociologists are among the great achievements of the human race because in sociology, people from all different walks of life come together to understand society objectively - so that, in the long run, it can perhaps be made to work better for everyone. What sociologists see when they look at society isn't always pretty, but that fact makes sociology all the more important: Just like you need to know how a car works before you can fix it, you need to understand how society works before you can change it.
Sociologists study a lot of things - in fact, they study just about everything that has anything to do with people interacting - which means that most things studied by sociologists are also studied by people who don't consider themselves sociologists. The fact that sociologists consider all aspects of the social world together means that they are able to see connections that people who study only part of the social world cannot.
It's part of a sociologist's job to deal with hot topics, and some sociologists have made highly controversial arguments. In delving into sociology, you need to be prepared to encounter some ideas that you may disagree - may very strongly disagree - with.
Religion is a way of getting people to give you money, and serves no other constructive purpose.
The most effective kind of government is a dictatorship where the smartest person rules.
Society works best when women stay home to cook and clean while men go out and earn money.
You don't need to agree with all of those arguments - I certainly don't - to study sociology, but you do need to be willing to consider arguments that you don't agree with. Each of the statements above makes an empirical argument. That means that those statements can be tested with objective facts. What data would you gather? How would you analyze those data? If you think the truth is not reflected in those statements, how can you prove it? That willingness to think about the social world as a scientist - that is, objectively - is the very foundation of sociology.

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